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Category: Website Development

  • Flutter App Development – Everything You Need To Know!

    Flutter app development has become very popular. Its entry 3-years back has completely changed the paradigm of cross-platform app development.  Flutter was launched in 2017 and the first stable version 1.7 was made available in May 2019. The new, upgraded Flutter 1.20 was released in August 2020 with lots of improvements, plugging lots of lacunae…

  • Web Design Trends – What To Expect In 2020

    Advertisements Are No Longer The Same! Gone are those days when huge billboards or a section of the newspaper dedicated to advertising your product was enough. If you want to attract a larger audience, getting a website tops the to do list. There are many ways your own websites will boost your revenue, and we…

  • How To Choose The Right Development Partner For Your Web Project

    The age of machines has drastically changed the way people conduct business. If you think automation is just taking away people’s’ jobs, think again. The past two decades are a witness to the fact that businesses who failed to update their services with an online presence are likely to suffer. If you are a business…

  • Websites Vs. Apps- The Final Dance Off!

    Websites Vs Apps – Ain’t It Sounding Like A Heated Debate? Not for this lady though! She had it sorted. Period.                                                                    …

  • Top 10 Website Development Best Practices for Newbies & Pro

    I started to nurture the basics associated with website development from scratch to live since 2016. Any guesses about what I found? Well, my study is vast. You may think composing this blog on website development best practices was an easy task. Umm, No! It was not an easy task to build a quality website…

  • Innofied Helps Tribecca Care in Healthcare Application Development

    India is the second most in terms of elderly population and raising concerns when it comes to addressing the health issues of the senior citizens. Along with this, the poor infrastructure and nursing services adds more pains. The pain doubles if the elders don’t have anyone to take care of them. The rapid urbanization has…