Is The Cost Of Developing Education App Bugging You? Not Any More

Swarnendu De June 11, 2019

Learning today is not just confined to schools and colleges. It has now embraced the world of digital technology. There are no more classrooms with a tedious and boring setting, rather interactive and enthusiastic UI over smartphones.

Today numerous educational apps are making the rounds in the play store, where students are finding it easier to meet their academic requirements.

The increasing demand for easy learning has made education a lucrative business. Both app developers and entrepreneurs are now investing in the education app industry. However, one thing that bothers most of the startups is the cost of developing an education app.


If you think of programming on your own, then this might be a good option to save money. But that does not mean there will be no expense for building an education app.

There are several app-making frameworks which guarantee you with the high-performance app. It is better if you let experienced developers take all the pains of building an educational app for kids.

This will incur you a good cost, as building an e-learning application is tougher than any other app. It requires more precision, implementation of high-quality content, and better graphics.

For an attractive user interface, you need experienced specialists. They will be able to build your app which will correspond to your requirements. It must attract the attention of the users, otherwise, all the investments that you made in your online educational platform will be a sheer waste.

Getting an exact rate chart is extremely difficult, as both app development company and freelance developers have different charges. Also, the cost of developing an education app depends on what your requirements are, what type of features you are thinking of incorporating, the complexity of your UI/UX design, and the platform that you will be choosing to launch your app.

Related read: What Is The Complete Cost Of App Development? Let’s Estimate!

Key Aspects Of Determining The Cost Of Developing An Education App

Developing an education app might initially be a complex process. But once you are clear about your project requirements, it becomes easier to guess the cost and the time required for an e-learning app development.

There are certain factors that influence the overall cost of developing an education app. If you are envisioning an e-learning app that would prove worthy for both students and teachers, the inclusion of a few important features becomes a necessity.

cost of developing an education app

However, it is totally up to you what type of features you want to implement in your app, as this will decide your app making cost.

Let’s check out the detailed guide which will help in figuring out the cost of education app development:

1. The Teaching Process

The framework of the app does not much influence the cost of developing an education app. What mainly influences, is the user flow of the app. It is just the sequence of actions that are available to the users.

What Kind Of User Flow Determine The Education App Development Cost?

  • Online Testing- This is an interactive tool where the students get introduced to tests. How you design the online test segment, impacts the overall complexity of the project. The more complex your project is, the more you are required to spend on it.
  • Downloadable Content- Having downloadable content in your educational app allows the users to continue with the learning process outside the app. After downloading the lessons, students can read that and can mark their lessons or chapters as completed. For including downloadable content, you need to focus on graphic design.
  • Collaboration Between Student And Teacher- Few e-learning apps also include direct communication between a teacher and student. For instance, students can clear doubts directly with the teacher. Also, the teacher can connect with the students by sending them lessons. Communication is done directly through video and voice calls. This type of educational apps may cost you a bit higher because of its user flow peculiarities. 

2. Content Type

You need to stuff a whole lot of content to the database. It is the core of any e-learning software. So, the app should be designed for representing the content in the best possible way.

Also, the content type may vary. Like, there might be some unusual study materials. Let’s take the example of subjects like Maths, where interactive tools like graph become an essential requirement.

You may just go for implementing your mobile learning app with traditional content, where the designer is simply required to implement the images, text, video, and audio. Or you may combine content platform, with an option for online video streaming.

Else custom content is another option which is completely different from the former two. It requires incorporation of interactive visuals through JavaScript and scalable vector graphics (SVG). This, not only takes several months for completing but costs additional bucks.

Consequently, the content of your app not only defines the feel and look of the software, but it also incurs a good amount of investment.

cost of developing an education app

3. Gamifying The App

While you are setting a budget for your mobile learning app, consider the gamification factor too. The cost of implementing the gamification concept is hard to determine, as this part of the app is generally related to the design. You cannot estimate the cost once you are done with the designing thing.

The incorporation of the gamification is now a common feature, with a good number of users engaging themselves with the e-learning apps. As per recent reports, the educational app market in the US is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6% during the forecast period 2016-2020.

4. Content Protection

In e-learning platforms producing high-quality, bulk content is imperative. So, safeguarding the content from being copied also becomes an essential responsibility of the app owner. For this purpose, content protection and payment integration mode must be implemented as they shield your app from being misused.

The e-learning apps today has several features incorporated which ensures that their content is not being filched. For protecting your content from getting copied you can go a paid content option.

Paid content is optional, although most of the content-selling websites make use of that. There are a few chapters or lessons for which you need to pay. There will be a demo version of those lessons, which the users may purchase if they like it.

Users can add the chapters or lessons to the cart which they want to purchase, and then proceed to the checkout option.  Cost of developing an education app

5. Choosing The Right e-learning App Type

This is one of the most important factors that determine the cost of developing an education app. It is totally up to you which mobile learning app you are going to work on.

Currently, professional online courses app, subject-wise app, educational gaming app, foreign language learning app, competitive exam apps are some of the trending e-learning applications.

So, your e-learning app development cost even depends on the type of education app you choose to develop.

Different e-learning apps like Byju’s, Duolingo, Coursera are now topping the chart of the best educational apps. Apart from this, numerous other mobile learning apps are coming up and giving a tough competition to each other.

Related read: Creating An App Like Duolingo? 8 Tips You Need To Know Right Away

So, for standing out in the crowd, you need to choose the best educational app concept; which is intriguing to the user.

Final Thoughts

We cannot deny the fact that the e-learning apps are now the best friends for both students and teachers. With more number of users installing these apps, there is a boost in the growth of the educational app development industry.

cost of developing an education app

Design complexity, conceptualization, developer’s experience, set of app’s features, and others; are some of the other factors which can affect your education app development cost.

Determining the cost of developing an education app, is not as easy we presume it to be. Individual developers usually charge an hourly rate, but there are few who charge as per the project features. For hourly charges, the longer they work on code, the more you are required to pay.

This is why you should monitor the entire app development process after you hire an individual developer or any agency. Also, do not hesitate to ask your app development company to sketch out a rough estimate of your education app.

An individual estimate and direct communication are more helpful than bare numbers.

Ready To Start With Your E-learning App?

Experts are just a few clicks away.

By now, you must have got an idea of what will be the budget of your app. However, there are a lot more than the initial design of the product in the educational app development process.

Throughout the years, Innofied has remained a pioneer in the field of app development. With a thumbs up from several clients, we take pride in bringing the most effective solution.

So, if you are really serious about creating a purposeful e-learning app, then it is the right time to connect with our developers.

cost of developing an education app